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Baş sahypa | Политика конфиденциальности Yurekdesh
Privacy Policy
This privacy policy applies to the Yurekdesh app (hereby referred to as "Yurekdesh app") for mobile devices that was created by Universal APPS as a Free service.
Information Collection and Use
The Application collects information when you download and use it. This information may include information such as
Your devices Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address)
The pages of the Application that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages
The time spent on the Application
The operating system you use on your mobile device
The Application does not gather precise information about the location of your mobile device.
The Service Provider may use the information you provided to contact you from time to time to provide you with important information, required notices and marketing promotions.
For a better experience, while using the Application, the Service Provider may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to kakabayewatamyratofficial@gmail.com, Universal APPS, Ezbereller community. The information that the Service Provider request will be retained by them and used as described in this privacy policy. Third Party Access
Only aggregated, anonymized data is periodically transmitted to external services to aid the Service Provider in improving the Application and their service. The Service Provider may share your information with third parties in the ways that are described in this privacy statement.
Please note that the Application utilizes third-party services that have their own Privacy Policy about handling data. Below are the links to the Privacy Policy of the third-party service providers used by the Application:
Google Play Services
Google Analytics for Firebase
One Signal
The Service Provider may disclose User Provided and Automatically Collected Information:
as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, or similar legal process;
when they believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect their rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request;
with their trusted services providers who work on their behalf, do not have an independent use of the information we disclose to them, and have agreed to adhere to the rules set forth in this privacy statement.
Opt-Out Rights
You can stop all collection of information by the Application easily by uninstalling it. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network.
Data Retention Policy
The Service Provider will retain User Provided data for as long as you use the Application and for a reasonable time thereafter. If youd like them to delete User Provided Data that you have provided via the Application, please contact them at kakabayewatamyratofficial@gmail.com and they will respond in a reasonable time.
The Service Provider does not use the Application to knowingly solicit data from or market to children under the age of 18.
The Application does not address anyone under the age of 13. The Service Provider does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13 years of age. In the case the Service Provider discover that a child under 13 has provided personal information, the Service Provider will immediately delete this from their servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact the Service Provider (kakabayewatamyratofficial@gmail.com) so that they will be able to take the necessary actions.
The Service Provider is concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your information. The Service Provider provides physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect information the Service Provider processes and maintains.
This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason. The Service Provider will notify you of any changes to the Privacy Policy by updating this page with the new Privacy Policy. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes.
This privacy policy is effective as of 2024-03-23
Your Consent
By using the Application, you are consenting to the processing of your information as set forth in this Privacy Policy now and as amended by us.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or have questions about the practices, please contact the Service Provider via email at kakabayewatamyratofficial@gmail.com.
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Pirkoljyk PIKIRLI

Pysdylyn oyune ary girenmis, Diyenmis Pysdyl pysdyl ay pysdyl, Yatayyn sen oyunde bir gijejik diyenmis, Pysdyl muna razy bolupdyr welin, Aram kell...dowamy...

Gyzyklyja soraglar..

Geliň, ünsümizi käbir soraglara jogap bermäge gönükdireliň! Bilmeýän zatlarymyzy bileliň! 1. Eýnşteýniň pikirine görä bilimden ýokarda durýat zat? 2. Zebra ak garamy ýa-da gara ak? 3. Iň gysga atly şäher? 4. Haýsy kärde işleýänler aldamany gowy görüp aldanmany halamaýarlar? 5. Ýurdumyzda iň köp ilatly welaýat? 6. Ilkinji galstuklar nirde dörän? 7. Öz suratyny iň köp çeken suratkeş kim? 8. Dünýäde iň ajy we süýji zat?! 9....dowamy...


"Injir agajy güllänok, ol güllese, bir zatlaryň alamaty" diýip il arasynda bir yrym barmyş. Kim bilýär şu barada?...dowamy...


1) Siz yaryshaa gatnashyarsynyz we ikinji orny eyeleyan ylgawçydan öne geçŷarsiñiz. Indi siz haŷsy orny eŷeleŷarsiñiz? 2) Siz iñ soñky orundaky ylgawçydan öñe geçdiñiz, indi siz haŷsy orunda? Eger siz iñ soñky oŷunçyñ öñ ŷanyndaky orunda diŷip jogap beren bolsañyz, onda siz ŷene-de ŷalñyshdyñyz. Pikirlenip görûñ, nadip iñ soñky gelŷan oŷunçydan öñe geçip bolar?! Eger siz onuñ yzyndan ylgap gelŷan bolsañyz, diŷmek ol iñ so...dowamy...


Derekli gürrüñler,derekli söýgi,Derek boýly bilen, derek astynda.Söýgini müdimi saklamak üçin,Ýakymly wadalar gerek aslynda...Bolmajak zatlary wada etmäýin,Bolaýjaklaryna alaly ugur.Meselem:Kiçijek oba, bir mellek,On dört sany goýun,bäş-alty sygyr.Nämämize derkar, hanlara mahsus,Giden uly şäher,köşkli,eýwanly?Kem bolmaz, garranja çagym, külbede,Diýsem"Gökje çaýdan,demle keýwany!"?Gaty zeruram däl ýaglyja maşyn,Aýagmyz işl...dowamy...

"Ogry" diýmäň!

"Ogry"diýmäñ maña!Sizden haýyşym?! Bu "kesp-kärden"asla başym çykanok. Diýmäñ maña sözleriñ iñ paýyşyn, Ejiz göwräm bu agramy çekenok. Diýiñ razy"Senden çykmaz goşguçy, Şahyr bolmak hakda pikir etme sen! "Emma welin "Ogry"diýmäñ haýyşym, Goý ýetmäýin arzuwlarma ýetmesem. Men döremok okalmadyk sahypa, Del söz gözläp kitaplaryñ gatyny. Meşhur eserlerden ýörelge alyp, Çapyp ýörün "Ylham" atly atymy "Ogry!" diýmäñ! Beren...dowamy...

Özüm hakynda anyk faktlardan düzülen degişmejikler7

Bir hakykat:-saña gowşurylan güller 10müñ manat, 20müñ manat, 30müñ manada satyn alynmandy... Olar öz mekdebimiziñ bagyndandy...) ***************** Men 8-nji synpda seniñ rus dili sapagynda maňa bakyp “ýa tebya lýublýu” diýen sözüne,10-njy synpda düşünip "ýa toje lýublýu" diýip jogap beripdim... Emma giçdi ol wagt sen özüñe paren tapynypdyñ.. ************** “Bizi plan mugallym okadan bolsa gowy okardyk, plan mugallym...dowamy...


Çagyryldym, bardym seniň toýuňa,. Men barmasam bu gelşiksiz boljakdy Gutlamaly boldum, den-duşlam bilen, Ýöne diýiljek söz bagrym diljekdi. Bokurdakda bir uly dash donup dur, Bir soz diysem erap, yash bolup damar. Emma, gutlamaly syrym bildirman, Gozlerimden anar dostlaryn senin. Ah, senem otyrsyn mana seredip, Yekeje soz diysem gapyp alarsyn. Onson men gozume yyldyzy goz dalde Yyldyrym goz bilen talan salarsyn. Ýylgy...dowamy...

Logiki sorag

1. Garynja 20 metrlik guýa gaçyar. Ol her gün 3 metr ýokaryk çykýa we 2 metr aşak düşýa. Yagny gunde 1 metr yokaryk cykýa. Garynja naçe günde guýudan çykar? 2. Müşderi dükana girýär we 1 jübüt köwüş bilen 1 papak(başgap) alýar. Ikisi bile 110 manat bolýar. Köwüş papakdan 100 manat gymmat. Köwüş näçe manat? Papak näçe manat? 3. Elimde bir desse gül bar. Şolaryñ ikisinden galany cigildem. Ikisinden galany bägül. Ikisinden g...dowamy...


Öýmüzdäkiler maña 500 manat berip jüýje, towuk, horaz almaga bazara iberdiler. Olaryn bahasy: Horaz 50 manat Towuk 10 manat Jüýje 1 manat Meniñ aljak jüýje, towuk we horazlarymyñ sany umumy 100 sany bolmaly. Olaryn umumy bahasam 500 manat bolmaly. Men olaryñ haýsyndan näçe sany almaly?...dowamy...

sorag )

1. Goz onune getirin, siz bir awtobusyn safyory. Awtobusyn icinde 14 adam bar. 1nji duralgada 4 adam dusya, 5 adam munya. 2nji duralgada 3 adam dusya, 8 adam munya. 3nji duralgada 6 adam dusya, 11 adam munya. 4nji duralgada 7 adam dusya 13 adam munya. Sorag. Safyoryn ady name? 2. Bir cagadan yasyny soranlaryda ol: - men gecen yyl 10 yasymdadym. Su wagt 11 yasymda. Inniki yyl 13 yasayan, diyyar. Nadip? 3. 56 ny ýarta bölse...dowamy...

Gyzykly sorag ;-)

Gadym döwürlerde bir ylymly, bilimi adam bolupdyr. Soň ol töhmede uçrap bir jenaýata günäkär bolup galypdyr. Patyşa oňa ölim jezasyny beripdir. Ýöne halk patyşadan "bu adam akyl paýhasly, zehinli adam bu bize köp zatlarda maslahat berýär. Ile güne ýaraýar" diýip günasini geçmegini sorapdyrlar. Patyşa hem bolýa günäsini geçeýin ýöne bir şert bilen. Hany ol akyl paýhaslydygyny subutlasyn diýipdirde, ýere elindäki taýagy bil...dowamy...


O, L, M, N, Ý, A, A şu ýedi harpdan kim näçe söz tapyp bilýär?...dowamy...

Yenede sorag...

6 sany otly cop bilen 4 sany hemme tarapy den bolan ucburcluk almaly. Nadip?...dowamy...

0-y kim ulandy?

Matematikada 0-y ilkinji ulanan kim?...dowamy...

IQ test (3 soragly)

1. Dükandan ruçga bilen depder satyn aldym. Ikisiniñ bahasy 12 manat boldy. Depder rucgadan 10 manat gymmat. Hersiniñ bahasy näce? 2. Çüýşäñ içindäki bakteriýalar şeýle bir çalt köpelýär. Bir bakteriýa 1 sekuntda 2 esse köpelýär. Çüýşäñ içi 32 sekuntda bakteriýadan dolýan bolsa, näçe sekuntda ýarty bolar? 3. 10 ussa 10 oturgyjy 10 minutda ýasaýan bolsa, 25 ussa 25 oturgyjy näçe minutda ýasar? Bellik: 3 soragyñ hemmesine...dowamy...

Motivasionnyý sorag: 1 000 000 $ ýa-da 1 000 000 sany hakyky dost?

Bir gün dogany özünden kiçi mekdepde okaýan jigisine sorag berýär: - Jigim! Saña sorag 1000000$ we 1000000 sany dost, sen haýsyny saýlardyň? Jigisi doganynyň ýüzüne seredip: - A how agam, elbetde dost saýlardym!!! Dogany begenip: "Meniň jigim akylly eken, ol dostlugy saýlady! Ol beýle gowy jogaby nädip tiz berdikä?" diýip jigisinden täzeden sorady. Jigisi stolda iýip içip oturan doganyň öňüne geçip: - Sereeet! Aýdaly, men...dowamy...


1.Özüñizde halamaýan häsiýetiñiz? 2.Göwnüñize iñ erwet degen adam kim we näme sebäpden? 3.Doglan günüñizde nähili sowgat berilse göwnüñize ýaraýa? 4.Gowy görýän kinoñyz ýa-da serial? 5.Internet sahypalarynda özüñize ýakyn dost(jora) tapynyp gördüñizmi,kim ol? 6.Haýsy aýdymy dostuñyza(jorañyza)gamgyn wagty maslahat bererdiñiz? 7.Daşary ýurtlaryñ haýsam bolsa birine syýahat etmek mümkinçiligiñiz bolsa haýsy ýurda giderdiñiz...dowamy...


Ot bolmadyk ýerde ..... çykmaz. Nokada derek haýsy söz gelmeli?...dowamy...


Bir käsedäki 27 gantdan 9-undan galanyny iýsek käsede näçe sany gant galýar?...dowamy...


Aýda bir eýýamda iki...dowamy...
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By Ezbereller Community